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At Home with the Hive

The SCA Blog of THL Nichola Beese of Æthelmearc

Greetings, and Salve Accolens! This is my SCA blog. As such, expect scribal updates, sewing projects, lots and lots of sheep bits, and the odd organizing post.Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you learn something while you are here.I am always interested in improving, so comments and critiques are welcome. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Home: Welcome

Parchment Tip

If the wet hide is freezing while you stretch it, it's too freaking cold to be making parchment! That's it. That's the post. Can't feel...

Black-dyed parchment FAQ

Questions I have gotten on this process, now all in one place for your informational edification and enjoyment. Q: Why don't you dye it...

Holey sheep! Sewing holes on wet stretched hide

I lost three days of work last week to migraines, which is hugely frustrating. It is also not entirely unexpected this time of year with...

Critique is Not a Personal Attack

My opinion on orders/polling/critique/feedback in the SCA is not a popular one, which is why I generally don't share it. I grew up as a...

Still here

I haven't given up on this blog, and I've been wanting to post. But the past two weeks have been devoted to work and preparing product...

Blackety Black Ink, now with Chemistry!

Iron oak ink is probably my favorite medieval ink. You can write with it, draw with it, outline with it, and dye with it. It is also very...

Hello from the hive

Greetings all! I have a blog now. On which I will blog. Bloggy bloggy blog. My name in the SCA is Nichola Beese, and I live in the...

A Curious Beastie, part the first

(Photo: a lamb hide drying on a herse.) My default for making parchment is lamb. It is what I can obtain most readily. The ever-lovely...

Art for Art's Sake

It's not a secret I'm a people pleaser. Sometimes in good ways, sometimes in ways that aren't great for me as a person. And it's not...

Home: Blog2

Nice to Meet You

What's the Buzz?

THL Nichola Beese, of the Debatable Lands in Æthelmearc.
Fellow of the Keystone, Sycamore, and Fleur. Scribe, parchmenter, bard, religious scholar, research dilettante.

I am here to learn! I welcome all feedback and critique; that is how I improve.

WFH Setup
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Let’s Connect

Questions, comments, curse words?
Please feel free to reach out. I'm always happy to make new connections and engage with folks.

Thanks for submitting!

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